About Grupul Bocovina

Romanian Cultural Heritage keeps Romanian Culture Alive!

*The Bucovina Dancers Group* was formed in Atlanta in 2011. The main reason was to promote the old traditional folk dances from all regions of Romania. Garofas Milici, the leader of the group considers that one of the most precious riches of the Romanian Culture is its folklore. Bucovina Group will dance for us and show us the steps of traditional dances from Transilvania, Bucovina, Maramures, Crisana, Cluj, Banat, Oltenia, Basarabia and will teach us some of the ancient Christmas Carols, Winter and Weddings Rituals.

Welcome To Our Heritage The Romanian Heritage In USA

The non-profit corporation Romanian Cultural Heritage, Co. was created in July 2015. Our mission is to preserve and promote Romanian cultural traditions in United States, for the benefit not only of the Romanian community, but for that of all the communities who appreciate the value of the American cultural diversity. Back in 2011 we formed the dance group Bucovina, a small step towards this mission. The group performed folk dances from all regions of Romania, and winter rituals at many cultural events among which we mention: Romanian Spring and Fall festivals at the St. Mary Orthodox Church of Dacula, GA and St. Constantine and Helen Orthodox Church of Lilburn, GA from 2012 to 2019, Romanian Food Festival at Jacksonville, FL- October 29, 2013, International Festival of Folklore – Spartanburg, SC, International Night at Camp Creek Elementary School, Lilburn, GA – January 26, 2014,Euro-Balkan Folk Festival -Chicago, IL2017,2018 and many other cultural events in Georgia, Alabama, Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Michigan, New York, Washington DC, Ohio, Pennsylvania, California, Nevada, Arizona .

Our Artists

Grupul Bucovina

My name is Garofas Milici and I am the initiator and leader of the dance group “Bucovina”. I share the passion of popular dance as a young child. I have danced in many bands starting from kindergarten, getting to work within the Professional Ensemble “Ciprian Porumbescu” in Suceava as a professional dancer, along with my wife Irina.
For 20 years we have been in the USA, where we established the “BUCOVINA” Dance Group in Atlanta, in October 2011 together with Ovidiu Babici, Iulia Babici and Mihaela Smole, former members of the “ARCANUL” Ensemble of the Stefan cel Mare University in Suceava. joined us in 2014, Buturca Dan and Melania.
Part of the repertoire was created in collaboration with Master Nicolae Botgros and the National Orchestra “Lautarii” from Chisinau.
We have in our repertoire 8 dance suites from different folklore areas of Romania, and in the future for 4 more suites. We have an impressive collection of costumes, part sewn and brought from Romania, part reconditioned from older costumes. They are all very dear to us and we take great care of them.
All our activity, in the end, is limited to the transmission of the message of Romanian national unity, far from the country, through traditions.

Numele meu este Garofas Milici si sunt initiatorul si liderul grupului de dansuri “Bucovina “. Impartasesc pasiunea dansului popular de mic copil.Am dansat in multe formatii incepand de la gradinita ,ajungand sa activez in cadrul Ansamblului Profesionist “Ciprian Porumbescu” din Suceava ca si dansator profesionist ,alaturi de sotia mea Irina.
De 20 de ani suntem in SUA, unde am infiintat Grupul de dansuri “BUCOVINA” din Atlanta, in Octombrie 2011 impreuna cu Ovidiu Babici, Iulia Babici si Mihaela Smole ,fosti membri ai Ansamblului “ARCANUL’ al Universitatii Stefan cel Mare din Suceava .Alaturi de noi s-au alaturat in 2014, Buturca Dan si Melania.
O parte din repertoriu a fost realizat in colaborare cu Maestrul Nicolae Botgros si Orchestra Nationala “Lautarii “din Chisinau.
Avem in repertoriu 8 suite de dansuri din diferite zone folclorice ale Romaniei, si in lucru pentru viitor inca 4 noi suite. Avem o colectie impresionanta de costume, o parte cusute si aduse din Romania, o parte reconditionate din costume mai vechi. Toate ne sunt foarte dragi si le intretinem cu mare grija.
Toata activitatea noastra, in final, se rezuma la transmiterea mesajului de unitate națională românească, departe de tară, prin tradiții.

Alina Dogaru

A graduate of Dinu Lipatti High School of Music, with a vast experience in the vocal and instrumental (saxophone) field, Alina Dogaru greets you with professionalism, enthusiasm and passion for music and entertainment.

Alina Dogaru is distinguished by approaching a very diverse repertoire, from popular music, light Romanian music, international music to jazz or cafe-concert music, thus managing to satisfy any category of audience.
The artist stands out by the stage presence, the unmistakable vocal stamp but also by the interaction with those who listen to it.

Four years ago she settled in Phoenix-Arizona where he feels “at home” because of the Romanian immigrants becoming friends and because of the musical participation in the important events of their life.

Absolventa a Liceului de Muzica “Dinu Lipatti”, cu o experienta vasta in domeniul muzical vocal cat si instrumental (saxofon), Alina Dogaru te întâmpină cu profesionalism, entuziasm și pasiune pentru muzică și divertisment.

Alina Dogaru se distinge prin abordarea unui repertoriu foarte divers, de la muzica populara, muzica usoara romaneasca, muzica internationala pana la muzica jazz sau cafe-concert, astfel reusind sa multumeasca orice categorie de public.
Artista se remarca prin prezenta scenica, timbrul vocal inconfundabil dar si prin interactiunea cu cei care o asculta.

In urma cu patru ani s-a stabilit cu traiul in Phoenix- Arizona unde se simte ca” acasa” datorita imigrantilor romani deveniti prieteni si datorita participarii muzicale la evenimentele importante din viata lor.

Dan Buturca

Born and raised in Galați, with Romanian music inspired by his father, a fan of Romanian music, he knew from the beginning that he could approach people and their souls through music.

In the USA, he started with a song and dance at the Feast of St. Mary’s Church in Atlanta in 2013. Since then he had delighted Romanians from Romania with light or popular Romanian songs, newer or older, and he tried every time to bring their feelings to their souls. from home”. Nothing makes him happier than seeing people for at least a few moments, disconnecting from everyday life, and spending time dancing or relaxing listening to Romanian music.

Născut și crescut in Galați, cu muzica românească inspirata de la tatăl meu, un fan al muzicii românești, am știut din tot deauna ca ma pot apropia de oameni și de sufletele lor prin muzica.

In USA am debutat prin cântec și dans la hramul Bisericii Sf. Maria din Atlanta in 2013. De atunci încântat romanii plecați din România cu cântece ușoare sau populare românești, mai noi sau mai vechi, și încerc de fiecare data sa le aduc in suflete sentimentul de “acasa”. Nimic nu ma face mai fericit decât sa văd oamenii ca măcar pentru câteva momente, se deconectează de la viața de zi cu zi, și petrec dansând sau se relaxează ascultând muzica românească.

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